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What was our last conversation? 'Laziness' of course.
We last discussed how most people who desire to be wealthy are too lazy to even implement their desire, they are too lazy to work, they are too lazy work off their stocks, they are too lazy to wake up and to be up and doing.

Most people are waiting for money to come to them instead of them going for it.
They want to win lottery (lotto/babaijebu), pool, naira bet or even join cultism so that they can have huge amount of money at a time without working out for it, dia iz God o-o-o-o-o-o!
I believe you are not among the categories of people mentioned up there,
If you are please you can stop reading because this write up is not about any of that.
Now let's quickly switch to the business of today 'UNDERSTAND YOUR MONEY BELIEFS AND WHERE THEY COME FROM (RULE 6)'
I believe each and every one of us have a belief, (that is what you stand for) which interpret our attitude and or action concerning a particular thing simply see as "understanding". this must your first consideration before match up to the parade ground of wealth if not you be lost on they way.
We all grow up with money myths. We get a lot of them from our parents and the way they bring us up. i Used to hear my grand mum saying 'A penny saved is a penny found', which till this day i still have no idea of what it means. Maybe I'm lucky. My money myths are based on a lot of nonsense like that. But most of us have the following ingrained beliefs:
  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • Money is dirty.
  • I don't deserve to be rich.
  • Money is only made by the greedy and dishonest.
  • Money corrupt.
  • You mustn't brag about money - never say how much you earn. are worth or paid for something (unless it is a bargain).
  • You can't have money and be spiritually pure.
  • You lose your friends if you get rich.
  • You have to work too hard to get rich.
  • Happiness and money make poor bedfellows.
  • The more you have, the more you will want.
  • It is somehow better to be poor.
  • I wasn't meant to be rich. if I was i would have been by now.
  • I'm not the right type to be rich.

Have a quick look through. Check which one you belief, which one strike o chord with you. now you have to do a bit of that old - fashioned hard work. write down one's that meant something to you. Add the one's I've missed - there will be a few. Now work out why you hold this beliefs. is it something that you have actively thought about, reason out, dedicate some research to? Or are they inherited, left over, picked up along the way?

Get rid of any that you can question and belief are nonsense.

Discard any that isn't aren't true. And chuck out any that stand in the way, hold you back, stop you making some money.

What you should be left with is none at all, nothing, a blank sheet. Now you can write now belief such as:

  • Money is OK.
  • Wanting money is OK.
  • I am going to be wealthy.
  • I am prepared to put in the work.

Wealthy people have none of the troublesome myth we poorer people have

they have purge them or never had them.

If we too purge them,  We stand a better chance of getting there.

That ends our discussion for today Get for rules 7 and read the previous rules here and join our mailing group to read directly in your mail box

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