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Have you heard about netcontact? if not i invite you to take a smart look at it by clicking on this link:

and see how you can improve your business, your career and everything with Netcontacts

Netcontacts  is an online networking business. Where members are paid by the persons that they invite to register as Netcontacts members. Whenever, any member invites somebody to register under him or her as Netcontacts member, the invited person registers for free trial membership. The member in free trial membership cannot invite other people to register under him or her, until he or she migrates to full membership. And for a free trial member to migrate to full membership, he or she has to activate his or her membership, by paying N1,500 membership activation fee to the person that invited him or her. So, that the person that invited him or her will activate his or her membership. After his or her membership activation, then would he or she be able to invite other people, so that each person he or she invites will also paid him or her their activation.

Hello my Wonderful People, I know by now you must have heard of the buzz netcontacts is creating on facebook, twitter and different blogs because of the high income involved. This post was supposed to be an eBook but because of my generosity and for the sake of my lovely readers wanting to know what netcontacts is all about, I am giving it out for FREE!. You can earn up to N1.5 Million within few months of being a member of the site. It’s not like all those refer links that promise you 1$ per refer and at the end of the month you’ll get nothing. With Netcontact you’ll watch your money grow. No need for any survey or whatsoever, you will just sit in the comfort of your Home or office and you will be getting credit alerts from your bank all the time. Why I Love Netcontacts is because it is a Nigerian site and 100% real. is making millions of Nigerian people of every class millionaires overnight. Some people have resigned from their white collar job because of the huge amount of income netcontacts is generating for them. This is not a FRAUD! It’s genuine, real, tested and trusted. I myself have made money from it also, so it is not what I am told but what I am into. Thousands of Nigerians are becoming Netcontact members on a daily basis due to the benefits involved.


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  1. You will be paid N1,500 for every person you invite to register as a Netcontact member through your invitation code. I know N1,500 is Chicken Change to some people but my people say na from kobo millions dey take come. Netcontacts is the only online Money paying venue that I know that pays that much; even does not pay that much. Fiverr pay you $4 per each gig you sell, if you convert $4 into Nigerian currency, it will be N640; and N640 is not up to N1,500 that netcontacts pay you when you register with them. With netcontcats you are not selling anything; you just invite people to register with them and you get paid N1,500 into your bank account here in Nigeria.
Example: if you can invite 10 people per day, you will be paid (10 x N1,500 = N15,000) if you add up (N15, 000 x 31 days = N465,000) now ask yourself this, which job in this dwindling economy of ours will pay you that much monthly?
  •   You will be paid allowances, bonus etc from Netcontacts office Nationwide.
  •   Netcontact gives out loan to their full paid registered member to go to school, to start up a business, to buy a car, to get married, to travel abroad, to build your own house etc.
There is no qualification involved. Even a primary school student can register and work with Netcontacts so far you can read and write.

Just a mobile phone that can browse and a valid Bank Account number because you will be paid daily directly into your bank account anywhere here in Nigeria
You work anywhere and anytime you like because you are your own boss.
Log on to the home page above will display, after that you will click on MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION; MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION with a blue pen.
After you have clicked on Membership Registration, the site will navigate you to this page. That is the image above where you have to register with an Invitation CODE. One thing about netcontacts is that they don’t register people themselves, you must be invited by a full member of the site before you can register on the site. A full registered member of netcontacts must invite you with his/her INVITATION CODE. It is this invitation code that will open the gate for you before you can register. I will advise you to register with my own invitation code which is this (662520402) once you input the code I just supplied into the box I highlighted with a red pen, the full netcontacts registration form will display and you will fill in your data and then you submit, once you submit, you are now a registered member of netcontacts. Once you submit your registration form, netcontacts will automatically generate your own special and unique INVITATION CODE for you immediately.
All members of netcontacts have their own Invitation Code. Now that you have registered, you are now registered as a NETCONTACTS TRIAL REGISTERED MEMBER.
As a trial netcontacts member, you cannot invite people to register under you with your own invitation code because you have not activated your membership.

To activate your membership is very simple, remember I told you earlier that netcontacts does not register people, as so they don’t activate members also, else in a case whereby after you have paid your membership activation fee to the person that invited you and the person does not activate you, you will just call the admin of the website, you will lodge your complain and you will give them the invitation code of the person that refused to activate you after you have paid the person and netcontacts will ban/block the person permanently from using their services after which they will then activate you themselves.
So back to the matter on how to activate your membership. You now have your invitation code and the person that registered your profile will always be displaying on your own profile for you to go and pay him so that he/she will activate your full membership.
Each full registered member of netcontacts have their bank details on their profile, ECO, UBA, ACCESS, GTB etc. I personally use Firstbank. So for you to become a full member, you will have to go and pay ONLY N1,500 into the bank account number of the person that invited you. Don’t pay him/her any other money apart from the sites stipulated N1,500 membership registration fee because only him alone has the mandate to make you a full member because you registered with his invitation code.
After you have paid the N1,500 membership activation fee to the person that invited you, you will then text him/her your teller number and your own invitation code for them to activate you from trial membership into a full membership. You must supply him your invitation code because he/she might have hundreds or thousands of people that are registered under him/her as so, he/she needs your own invitation code for him to be able to identify you quickly among the list. I personally have roughly 138 people that are registered under me and they are paying for me to activate them and that I’ve been doing.

Once you have been activated as a full member by the person that invited you, the above seal will show on your profile and you will also receive a congratulatory message from netcontacts team.
Once you see the above seal, you are now good to GO! You can now start inviting people with your own invitation code and they too will start paying you N1,500 each for each member that register under you.
Once you have been activated as a full member, all you need to do now is to go and update your payment details on your profile. You have to go to your profile and supply your own bank details so that anybody that register under you will be paying into that bank account. Normally the question they ask is Bank Name, Account Name and Account Number.
As you can see the above image, you just have to click on PAYMENT MODE and it will navigate you to another page where you will be asked to supply your Bank Name, Account Number and Account Name.

  1. FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP, as a trial member, you are just there for being there sake, your invitation code is a waste because even if you give people you free trail invitation code for them to register under you and they input it during the cause of registration, the site will say ‘INVALID INVIATATION CODE’ they are the ones that generated the code for and the code is not invalid, but why they are saying its an invalid code is because you have not activated your membership to a full member. Once you have activated your full membership, netcontacts won’t change that code, it is that same code that you will be using to invite people and once they input it this time after you have activated your full membership, it will open and people will start registering under you.
  1. FULL MEMBERSHIP: A full member of netcontact can invite people and start making money right away, he/she can seek for jobs or request for jobs on netcontacts, he/she is eligible for all benefits of netcontacts.

  • It is very easy to activate a member that has paid you. To activate, just log into your netcontacts profile, you will see ACTIVATE MEMBERSHIP.
As you can see in the above image, I have ruled out ACTIVATE MEMBERSHIP, once you click on activate membership, the site will navigate you to another page:
The page above will display, as you can see the above image, it has 5 options, in the first box, you will input the invitation code of the member you want to activate, i.e the member that registered under you that just paid into your bank account for activation.
In the second box, you have to input the amount the person paid. By default; N1,500 is already fixed there, N1,500 is the fixed amount for membership registration, you can’t increase it neither can you reduce it. You see why I said earlier that the site is trusted, strict and genuine?
In the third box, you have to input the teller number that the person used in paying you.
In the fourth box, you will select the bank the person used in paying you, either, UBA, ECO, FIRST BANK, ACCESS, GTB etc. once you click it, the bank name you supplied on your profile will open in the drop down menu, you just select it and you click the CONTINUE. It will navigate you again to another page where they will ask you to confirm membership activation and then you are done activating the person. It is always good to always text or call your registered member to let them know that you have activated them. It builds trust and further business transactions between you both on the site.
Don’t say ‘after all he/she will get a congratulatory mail from netcontacts, don’t say the free trial seal on his profile will change to FULL MEMBERSHIP seal so he/she ought to know. Just call or text them to let them know you just activated them.
  1. I will give you mentorship until you start making your own money
  2. I will grant you access to advertise your code on my official facebook pages:
  1. I will give you all the guide you need on how to get more people to register under you and pay you quickly.
  2. you can access me personally for any questions.
  3. i will show you easy ways to speed up the process.
A word is enough for the wise they say” Invest in this golden opportunity because opportunity comes but once. Don’t just register, after registration hurry up and pay your membership activation fee of N1,500 to the person that invited you and he/she will activate your membership within few seconds after he/she has confirmed your payment.
I’ll advise you to hurry up and register and activate your membership quickly and start making your own money right away. Netcontacts is a hot CAKE, invest in it and start making your money now before more and more people get into it.
Hurry now. Log onto:  and register with this invitation code 662520402

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