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In my last post i promised to show you THE SIX WAYS YOU CAN MAKE MONEY ONLINE WITH YOUR SITE so let get started as I am back to fulfill my promise I know you will be glad to read this and make use of it. you can read it here if you missed it
As someone who wants to earn extra income, online one thing you must do after creating your web page is to think of your web page as your convenience store. Your customer walks into your store with the sole purpose of buying a dozen of books. On his way to the counter, he takes hold of biro pen. On the counter, he remembers that he also need marking pen. Walking back towards the cash register, he spot some erasers. At the cash register, he added correcting fluid. Now you see, he came in mind to buy one product but he left with five products. These impulse buys make up a large percentage of profit of that store.
Don’t forget the purpose main of your site! all of your traffic-generating activities have one purpose in mind­­­---to entice your visitors to sign you guest book and give you permission to contact them again. If you can’t accomplish this simple goal, you have to build up an asset that will generate your permission source of long-term wealth. I know you want to begin the process of making money now with this little secret, but before you sign up for hundreds of affiliate programs, stop and just make sure you have accomplished your most important task. By gathering their e-mail address, you have introduce your potential customers into your Maybe Lake—a reservoir of interested-but-not-yet-committed customers.
Once the permission is successfully obtained, all you need to do is to immediately congratulate them by sending an autoresponder e-mail of your prospect on their wise decision and rewarding them with special goodies for reading your first message to them. This is an ethical bribe. You are rewarding them for granting you permission to contact them. In other words, you are paying them for their attention.
In addition to gathering the e-mail address of every visitors to your site, let’s explore the main way you can induce your web visitor to leave money before leaving. There are at least six main way of streams of income. So let’s focus there.

1.       The Main Product Of Your Site
After you might have gain permission to continue interacting with your visitors, the next most important task is to satisfy their primary purpose of visiting you site. something in your advertisement attracted them. They are interested in your offering. During this firs very first visit, you may have only three click’s worth your time to convince your curious stranger to liger long enough to find something they want.
You should design a first time buyer’s reward, I mean a package of incentives that tip the scales toward a yes rather than a no, you have to provide a special discounted offer. for instant,  a customer visit Mr. A’s store for the purpose of buying a tea-cup set and Mr. A price is $6, the same Mr. A just hit Mr. B’s store for the same purpose and sale price of that same product is the same and the hungry customer spots on Mr. B’s discount promo offer of 20% discount on every purchase, if it were you want you leave your dollars with Mr. B? in fact, the customer will like to purchase more because of the promotional offer. You get that? There you get the first secret.
Apart from that, what can you come up with that differentiate your product from others?
Ø  Could it be a gift certificate for a book or other valuable premium?
Ø  Could it be a coupon for a huge discount on a future order?
Ø  Could it be frequent-flyer miles?
Ø  Could it be a bundle of free reports?
Ø  Could it be placing your customer’s name in a monthly raffle to win one of your monthly catalog items?
Ø  Could it be a telephone consultation with you about the customer’s area interest?
Ø  Could it be free placement a classified ad on your newsletter or on your website?
Ø  If possible, try to make the value of your first-time buyer’s gift equals to or grater than the value of many of the items in your catalog.
Remember, if you treats customer right, they will be back again and again… with an increasing volume of purchases. You need to invest in your customers so they will invest in you. In my next post it will be the next secret of the online cash flow hope you enjoy this as I do? I guest you will not like to miss the second cash flow secret stay in-touch and don’t forget to share with your friend they may also need it as you do.


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