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There are people who walk's away from you, when people walk away from you let them walk. Don't turn another person into staying with you, don't turn another person into "LOVING" you, don't turn another person into calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, don't turn another person into staying with you, attach to you, let it go. When people walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tight to anybody that left. People leaves you because they are not joint to you and if they are not joint to you, you can't make them stay let them go. And it doesn't means they are bad people it just means they are part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people parts in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the death, you've got to know when it's death, let it go, you've got to know when it's over, let it go. Stop begging people to stay, let them go, if you're holding unto something that doesn't belongs to you and was never intended for your life then you need to let it go. If you're holding unto past hurts and pains let it go. If someone can't treat you wright, if someone cannot love you back, and if someone cannot see your worth let it go. If someone has angered you let it go. If you're holding unto some thoughts of evil and revenge let it go. If you involve in a wrong relationship or addiction let it go. If you're holding unto a job that no longer met your needs or talent let it go. If you have bad attitude let it go. If you keep judging others to make yourself feels better let it go. If you're struggle with the healing of a broken relationship let it go. If you keep trying to help someone who wont even trying to help themselves let it go. If you're feeling depress and stress let it go.

Don't miss this "LET THE PAST BE THE PAST FORGET THE FORMER THINGS" LET IT GO. People leaves you because they are not joint to you. And if they are not joint to you, you can't make them stay. And it doesn't means they are bad people, it just means they are part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people part in the story, your story in particular is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the death, you've got to know when it's death, you've got to let it go and that's possibly the way the memory is not come with that, the memory is not go with that. YOU'VE GOT TO LET IT GO. LET IT GO. IS THE BEST WAY FOR YOU.


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