"Failure" is a lesson to our success
"Failure" prepares us to our success
"Failure is a stepping stone to success so if you must succeed expect failure either.
I want to also use this privilege to appeal to those who are asleep to wake up and think of their future for it is time to work hard for a successful living be you man or woman, boy or girl you have a role to play in each life let us use this opportunity to change and touch lives, gives hope to the hopeless, assist the needies and poor, make peace where there is war, mourn with the mourners and celebrate with the celebrants.
To those who are yet to know their stand with God this is a special opportunity to give God a chance into your life.
To God Almighty who keep me secure through this journey, granting me this opportunity and making this day a success I say thank You Father, You have filled my days with joy and laughter.
To my all my well wishers, advisers, friends, colleagues, pastors who find time in one way and the other to wish me well, praying for my success and making this day a success through their effort and contribution I love you all it won't have been easy if not by your prayers, your love and advise may the Good Lord richly bless you all and grant to you all your heart desires.
Special thanks to my beloved families who brought me up to this stage, I won't have be what I am today without your effort, contribution, love and care I'm really grateful and proud to be one of you God bless you abundantly.
To my fellow celebrant On this special occasion of our birthday, i wish us a wonderful year ahead and success in all our endeavours. HAPPY FRUITFUL BIRTH DAY TO US ALL, LONG LIFE AND PROSPERITY.
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It is not an easy task to live and see the success, burdens, afflictions, appointment and disappointment, ups and downs etc. of 52 weeks, 365 days making a whole one year. God has been so faithful to me all this years of ups and downs many who came to this planet the same day, hour, minute and second with me are no more to see this great day, some are going through lots pains, afflictions and suffering on this great day but here I am Jubilating and celebrating. It is not by my might nor my power, not because of my faithfulness, holiness nor righteousness but God in His infinite love, care, kindness and mercy keep me alive in good health and success. Seeing this day gives me a new hope, dreams, revelation, vision and mission making me believe that I am moving ahead though ups and downs may attempt to cut in but I am totally convince that I will be there some days at God's appointed time to attain to my success because ups and downs in a life journey is an open door to success. I therefore urge my fellow celebrant as we begin this new "erra" to always look ahead of their future not the past, present and their failure I want you to know that